Adding texture to your layouts | Julie Taylor
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Adding texture to your layouts | Julie Taylor

Adding texture to my layouts is a go to of mine!! I love lace, ribbon & buttons & think it adds a fab eclectic look.

I've used the luxury Say Cheese perspextive pack which is a gorgeous colour of dark gold & consists of a large frame, say cheese & smile words & a camera.

I've tucked the frame into my layers rather than use it to house my photo.

I added some pompom trim, lace & a zip along the top & then came down the page with some tassels, buttons & thread.

I've used the Smile word, as my title, & added it vertically over on the far left.

Although I've used bright colours on this layout, these perspextives would look great on a monochromatic colour scheme or even a wedding page.

Thanks for joining me today.

Until next time,

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