Celebrate | Sarah Wyles
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Celebrate | Sarah Wyles

Hi everyone!!! How's your monday going?? Well I am here today to share another layout with you using the Celebrate Perspextive, I also had some of the Hooray collection by Crate paper left over and thought they would be perfect paired together with this layout about my daughters birthday.

I went through the pieces I still had from Hooray and pulled everything I thought I might use, this way I knew what colors I was looking at. I wanted splatters or sprinkles as my daughter likes to call them, on her layout.

I stuck my pictures together with my tape runner, in a wonky photo strip. Then I started to tuck pieces of paper here and there, distressing the sides as I went.

I still had a few of the puffy stickers left and really they were too cute not to use so I popped the bear off to the left of the photos and the cute little cat over to the lower right. I slid a few tags in under the layers behind the photos so that my celebrate perspextive would have a good place to sit, nestled in next to the photos.

I knew that there was a little too much white space on the left side of the layout so I tucked bits and pieces over there too. Once I figured out where I wanted everything and before I stuck it all down, I grabbed a few of my distressed oxides and let my daughter help me make "sprinkles" as she calls them around the layout. Once those dired, I adhered everything down.

I love this Celebrate perspextive, for me, they work perfect as titles and then with the smaller bits they are perfect for embellishing pretty much anything! This one was another that as soon as I saw it, I knew exactly what picture it went with and that it would work perfectly! I added a few puffy stickers from the Hooray collection and a few enamel dots and that was it for this layout. I hope you enjoyed this layout and I hope you come back to see more of what I have fun making. Make sure to head over to the Bramble Fox site and check out all the new perspextives, stencils and dies. Everything is amazing! And check out the fox box too!

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