Hi there! I’m Lorraine, and super excited to be invited to guest design for Bramble Fox . So a little bit about me, I live in rural Suffolk, UK not far from the seaside town of Aldeburgh along with my husband, son and crazy cocker spaniel named Darcy and Wilfred the dotty Dachshund. I am lucky to have three fabulous grown-up children as well as two super cute granddaughters – perfect subjects for featuring on my layouts! I have been scrapbooking since early 2000 and have a passion for pretty paper and fun quirky designs. I am super lucky to have had many designing opportunities over the years, which have included features in books and magazines as well as teaching at events and online classes. We may even have already met in person somewhere in the scrapping world as up until last year, I was co-owner of GoGo Getaway, UK’s premier scrapping retreat company, if we have it is lovely to ‘see’ you again here on the Bramble Fox Blog.

I would say my style is whimsical, quirky and uniquely detailed. I love to create layouts (mainly 12x12 but have turned my hand to every size and trend going - including 18x18 when it very briefly made its debut!) with an element of fun as well as for memory documentation, for me this means bringing out the feelings from the photos all wrapped by in a design that compliments these. I am happy to work with a wide variety of manufacturers, although like most scrappers I have my favourites. I have been a subscriber of the fabulous Fox Box for quite a while now and love getting the monthly box of goodies, I especially love the cute critters and, if they feature hares, deer or woodland creatures, then they make it to my pages pretty instantly.

I do love a layered page as it is a great way to use up those last pieces from a collection, to make it go just that bit further I created a background using the Fox Cut #30 stencil and a mix of Distress Oxide Ink Pads in Abandoned Coral and Kitsch Flamingo applied with an ink blender. This background was quick and simple to create, the smaller circles running vertically down the right side side on the layout and a mix of the larger and smaller horizontally under the centre section. I love the script font titles, and the Family Perspextive was perfect for sitting proudly above my photo featuring my husband and me along with with our eldest granddaughter.

Everyday Arrows has got to be one of my new favourites, they go with so many different themes and sit perfectly along strips and borders and work great in combination with the Together banner from a recent Fox Box. What would a page featuring Bramble Fox be without a heart or two, the ones on my page are similar to the Warm Hearts that are in the shop at the moment. I couldn’t resist using the cute hare, it fit well with where we had visited in the photo and added that whimsical touch that makes me happy.
Thanks so much for stopping by. I'll see again shortly.
Lorraine x