International Challenge
Get your scrap on - there is a new challenge in town.
Color, Stories Inspiration (CSI) Challenge is a long-established challenge site for scrappers. Each month there are three challenges or cases. We are fortunate enough to have the founder of the challenge - Debbi Terhani on our design team.

The 'case' is set by a scene - you can pick up on the colours, the elements in the photo or does it inspire a story?
There are additional elements that you can use for your layout:
grid pattern
woodgrain hearts
beads or bling
create a patchwork
die cuts
diamond shapes
Some of the team have also taken the challenge...
First up, Wendy's fun layout about Disney where she has really used the die-cuts and colour inspiration.

Next, Niki has used the scene as her inspiration. She has used Kite Perspextives and the uber-cute Scooter.

Morag has used the kite in the insipration and naturally used Kite Perspextives.

There is also a bonus challenge...

Philippa knocked this challenge out of the park...

Pop over to the CSI Challenge to see more inspiration.
Don't forget that we host our own, easy challenge on Bramble Fox Friends.

Happy scrapping!