Summer | Cheryl Gerhard
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Summer | Cheryl Gerhard

Hi everyone! It's Cheryl here today with my September mood board challenge layout!

This was such a fun challenge and as soon as I saw it, I knew I had to use this photo I took at a beach in Portugal a while ago. I mainly went with my favourite colour, which is pink - who knew?!

I used a pink palm tree patterned paper and stickers from "Miami Peach" by The Mint Feather. Before I placed my photo, I did a little bit of mixed media using the Fox Cut #14 stencil.

My title is sweet and short: summer and I used this beautiful white perspextive on the bottom left hand corner, which creates a nice contrast and makes my title stand out even more.

I also added a couple of rows of rolled paper and created several clusters using puffy stickers as well as a lot of the Tropical Florals perspextives.

What a great way to end the summer. I can't wait to see your layout using this inspiring mood board! :)

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Beautiful craft embellishments for scrapbooks, cards, Project Life, Planners and more, flair, Perspex, planner, mixed media, midori, travellers notebook, journal, title, layout, inspiration, notebook, badges, travel, document, greeting cards, birthday, Christmas, birth, marriage, wedding, congratulations, anniversary, uk, france, Germany, Italy, usa, Australia, new Zealand, 

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